A Great Camping Experience
A camp experience can be powerful and formative. Camp can often be the first opportunity for kids and youth to develop their “unique voice” that will serve them throughout their lives. Discovering leadership potential, experiencing an intentional Christian community, discovering the outdoors, building self-esteem, and strengthening personal faith is all central to what the camp experience is all about. Plus, it’s just plain FUN!
Skill Development
Wait, you can learn and have fun at the same time? Yep! Here are some examples of the skills you can develop at the Pacific Northwest United Methodist Camps:
- Leadership
- Communication
- Participation
- Responsibility
- Resourcefulness
- Resilience
- Caring
- Fairness
- Citizenship
- Trustworthiness
- Spiritual Enrichment
If you have any questions, we would love to help and chat:
Our Goals
Summer camp has traditionally been a place for children and youth to have fun in the outdoors. They have opportunities to learn and practice skills such as riding a horse, paddling a canoe, shooting an arrow, or playing sports. We offer these recreations for people of all ages…and families too.
At our United Methodist Camp & Retreat Centers, campers learn and practice skills that enhance their spiritual life by:
- Hearing and Responding to stories from the Bible
- Using scripture passages from the Bible to create meaning in their own lives
- Having Christian conversations with campers and leaders
- Leadership about other cultures and faith traditions
- Expressing their faith through arts, crafts, drama, and music
- Leading worship and other faith formation programs
- Living in Christian community with leaders modeling Christian faith and values
- Developing a heightened awareness of the natural world and learning about God’s desire for us to care for the earth